Single Life

There is a tendency in India to judge single people. They are looked at with pity and sympathy because it is presumed that a life partner eluded them. But what people often don’t realize that many people in India are now single by choice and they just love their single life.

And this is all the truer because India has a growing population of single women. In the 2011 Census, it was seen that single women in the age group of 25-29 increased by 68 per cent between 2001 and 2011 in rural areas.
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how to know if you are an attractive guy

19 Definite Signs You Are An Attractive Guy

Signs of a handsome face such as symmetrical facial structure, high cheekbones, thick facial hair, or traits of a healthy and fertile body such as height or well-developed muscles are considered to be primary factors in attraction. But physical features can only create the feeling of attraction born out of primal behavior. Attraction is perpetuated when other factors such as confidence, behavior, and external stimuli are favorable.

how to hookup on tinder

How To Hookup On Tinder? The Right Way To Do It

Sometimes all we want is a no-drama, no-strings-attached, strictly short-term relationship, i.e a hookup. If you are new to Tinder or your experience on the platform has been miserable, then let us help you ace the game.

Will I Be Alone Forever

Will I Be Alone Forever? How It Feels And Ways To Get Over It

If you have been single for a long time, there is a possibility that you have started thinking, ‘Will I be alone forever’? Your doubts, concerns and insecurities stem from whether you have always been single, are divorced or have had a breakup. Whatever be the case, here are ways to help you overcome that ‘being alone’ feeling.

being the third wheel

How To Cope With Being Single Or A Third Wheel On New Year’s Eve

Did your bestie cook up a new love interest since you two made your New Year’s Eve plans? Or maybe you’ve just been in a phase of “finding yourself” and didn’t want to date. Don’t curse yourself for not replying to that cute guy on Tinder just yet; we’re here to tell you how to deal with being a third wheel. 

advantages of being single

15 Awesome Advantages Of Being Single | Love Singledom

Being single can make you feel sad because the world’s default setting seems to “committed”. But you shouldn’t feel depressed because the single life has it’s own advantages. Here are a few of these to cheer you up.