Sex and Passion

Some admit it, some won’t, but all are aware that sex and passion are as integral to a relationship, as emotional bonding. A relationship is healthy if there is both sexual and emotional compatibility.

Going on dates, holidays, binge-watching Netflix or spending quality time with the children have a very positive effect on the sense of well being of a person, but what kind of action one is having between the sheets also goes a long way to create a bonding between two individuals.

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showering together

7 Reasons Showering Together Is Great For Intimacy And How To Do It Right

In this fast-paced world, couples usually play down the importance of intimacy. We know most couples have a hectic schedule, but including that one part in daily routine can make a huge difference. That sweet little part that we’re talking about is showering together. Couples showering together not only helps them cleanse their body but …

7 Reasons Showering Together Is Great For Intimacy And How To Do It Right Read More »

roleplay ideas

21 Exotic Roleplay Ideas To Boost Naughtiness In Your Relationship

Roleplaying offers a unique way to break down barriers, communicate openly about desires, and step into exciting scenarios that go beyond the ordinary. Dive into a world of passion and fantasy with these 21 exotic roleplay ideas designed to invigorate and deepen the intimacy in your relationship.

foreplay games

21 Kinky Foreplay Games To Turn Up The Heat

Foreplay is a very important part of sexual relationships. Often times, the monotony of the same kind of foreplay can put you and your partner in a rut. Here are 21 ways to spice up the foreplay and turn up the heat in the bedroom.

how to satisfy a woman in bed

15 Ways To Satisfy A Woman In Bed

to satisfy your woman every time you have sex, you needn’t last longer or got at it harder, you just need to focus on making it pleasurable for both of you. We are here to tell you just how you can do that with these 15 tips on how to satisfy a woman


Foreplay: More Than Just a Warm-Up 

with the right approach and guidance, it is possible to bring the spark back and take your sexual experiences to a whole new level. Don’t let a lack of satisfying foreplay ruin your relationship!